Ski Mask


What a day!! I was almost finished a day that could truly be a contender for the “Worst Day Ever” award. After a hellish day at work, I had decided that it really was a perfect night for a “ladies only” dinner and evening out at the usual haunt, and was very glad that it had been planned for today! I could use a nice, relaxing drink or two-or three, or four! It really had been an insane day!

Walking into the bar, I relaxed and could feel the tension easing away as I heard my friends’ laughter over the din of the crowd. I made my way to our table and slouched into a seat with a heavy sigh of relief. Jokingly, I told the ladies, “I am drowning my sorrows tonight!” and told them about my day from hell. Over the next few hours the music, the atmosphere, the companions and the alcohol had all raised my spirits quite a bit, and I was nearly bubbling over with joy as I made my way home from where the bus had delivered my stumbling body to the sidewalk. Being responsible, I had left my car at the bar and taken the bus since my husband was out of town for the weekend, but I quickly began to doubt the intelligence of this choice over calling a cab…

It was nearly two o’clock in the morning, the street was deserted and dimly lit, and to top it off, I was already freezing after stumbling less than a block! I figured it would take me at least another 10 minutes to get home-and only if I took the trail through the park-and wished I had grabbed my coat out of the car! Now, normally I am a cautious woman by nature, so would typically not have chosen the park path…but I was

c-c-c-cold! Once on the pathway about 20 feet, the darkness became spooky…the izmit escort night’s noises became people lurking amongst the trees, the wind became someone else walking behind me…I became skittish, trying to tiptoe through as quickly and quietly as I could. Tough to do in 3-inch heels and a skirt after 4 Margaritas, but I was past the point where I could realize that!

When I emerged from the path onto my street, I did so with a sigh of relief and a fast, furtive glance over my shoulder, scanning the shadows for the imaginary demons and monsters hiding behind me. I chuckled at myself, berating my own wimpiness. Just then, a silhouette appeared in the distance at the opposite side of the park and I nearly jogged to my front door! I had my keys in hand, unlocking the door urgently. When the door finally closed behind me and I was safe and sound in my home, I felt much, much better!

Kicking off the heels, I put my purse and keys away. Then I began to strip as I walked through the house towards the comfort of my big, empty bed. By the time I had arrived at the bathroom, I had only panties on, having left a trail of clothing through the house. I brushed my teeth, washed the makeup off my face, and then turned on the shower to rid my body of the chill I had developed during the short walk home. I discarded the panties and stepped into the shower to feel the heat soaking into my body. I closed my eyes, leaned against the wall, and simply enjoyed the warmth as it dispelled the chill. When the water began to feel tepid, I quickly turned the faucet off, wrapped a towel around myself, a towel around my hair, and padded to the bedroom. After patting my hair dry, I hung both towels on the hooks behind the door and proceeded to crawl indulgently into the big king-sized bed. Within minutes, I was gratefully asleep.

When I awoke, it was still dark outside. I felt disoriented at waking in the middle of the night, and was not sure what had woken me up. I paused to listen to my house, and thought I heard a noise in the corridor. Silently, I strained to hear more. Hearing nothing, I relaxed back, lowering my head onto my pillows to go back to sleep, when I realized that I was not able to move much…I was tied down!! In the darkness, I began to panic, feeling for the knots, trying not to make a sound. Whoever had tied me was somewhere outside my bedroom door, in the house, and I did not want him to know I was awake!

In the darkness, I heard the footsteps nearing the door, and quickly closed my eyes, pretending to sleep. The door opened, and someone approached the bed. I felt the bed shift as the intruder sat down on the bed’s edge, beside me. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly…praying that he would get up from the bed, walk out the door, and leave my home. But he didn’t. He reached over and swept the hair out of my face while I tried desperately to “act asleep”…then his fingers trailed down my neck to my naked breasts, and I heard a sharp intake of breath as his fingers glided across the left nipple and found it erect. Next, they brushed across the right, and found the same result. It was getting more and more difficult to pretend I was asleep, to maintain a slow, steady rhythm of breath…and I started to think, “In… Out… In… Out…” as I breathed to distract myself from the touch.

His hands began to wander my nudity, caressing every inch of my body in a slow, erotic seduction, and to my surprise, I was beginning to enjoy every moment of it. “Do I now ‘wake up'”, I wondered, “or stay “asleep”?” Before I could decide, the hands left my body, and I heard him stand, heard a zipper being undone, and pants being dropped to the floor. Under the cover of darkness, I stole a quick glimpse, but all I could see was a dark form, wearing what looked to be a dark ski mask, and a long-sleeved, dark shirt. I saw thighs too, a lighter shade in the darkness…but he was facing away from me, so could not see anything more…

As he straightened back up, I quickly closed my eyes! I felt his hand slide back onto my thigh, felt the mattress sag under the additional weight that was being positioned between my legs. I felt his hard penis, wrapped in a cool condom, pushing steadily into my pussy as he began to fuck me…I decided to open my eyes at that moment, to “wake up”, so that I could enjoy the experience as much as he seemed to be…

As I opened my eyes, I was shocked to find a woman in a ski mask, wearing a strap-on, fucking me! I guess she saw the look, because she laughed and took off the mask. Well, hell, I was awake now, and absolutely enjoying it!! The woman was my friend! One of the beautiful gal-pals that I had left behind at the bar!

We finished that weekend without leaving my home. To this day, we still get together on occasion (ONLY when my hubby is away-it is our secret!) for a couple of days’ worth of “girl time” and fun, reminiscing about that weekend, laughingly remembering the look on my face… And, while we have added a few other toys into the mix, we still take turns wearing the ski mask.