Dreams of last night-short


Dreams of last night-shortI have no idea why this turned me on so much. I had a dream last night. It wasnt one of my usual epic dreams where I slay dragons and rescue a naughty princess who flashed me her pussy and I flash her mine. It was a little different. I was wearing a suit. Maybe even a tux I cannot remmeber. My tits were tied and you could not see a thing. I was mingling with a few guests and I was trying to get a few girls canlı bahis to fuck later on.I didnt have much luck so I waited till all guests were gone. Everyone left except for a very camp man. I am not really into Gay porn but I do enjoy seeing a man play with his ass. This guy how ever, was totally camp. But in a nice way. Well built and seemingly well hung. He looked at me and in my dream I was trying to analyse the look he gave bahis siteleri me. It made no sense. I seemed to have forgotten that I was dressed like a handsome young man. He came up to me and pushed me against a wall and then without warning stuck his cock up my arse. I had no time to protest or even see if he was wearing a condom. He shook me really hard and drilled so deep I thought his cum would come squirting from my ears. Then güvenilir bahis i thought to myself that he must be confusing me with a man and shut my mouth. I didnt want him to stop fucking me just yet. When he finished he turned me around and said that my ass was his. I didnt dare reply back. My voice might give away my true gender. I have no idea why this turned me on so much. A good anal pounding is always fun but why did being dressed as a man turn me on so much? Today, I tied my boobs away (much harder than it looks. how do you hide DD’s?) wore a suit and strapped a cock on… I would have passed as an Italian stallion (with growth problems:P )