The Ballad of Suzi and Linni.Verse 2.


As I walked to the table, a million manic butterflies were disco dancing inside me. I could have veered off and gone and sat at the other table with the main gang, but I wasn’t going to be a coward. Besides, Rach and Shona had seen me and had beckoned me over. “Hi,” I said trying to sound bright and cheerful, but my own ears told me I was failing miserably. “Hey, Suze, how’s it going?” they chorused and shuffled their chairs to make room for me. As I sat down I glanced sideways at Linni. She didn’t look up but just stared at what looked like an orange juice on the table in front of her. The other two filled the awkwardness by babbling away. How was I? What was I up to? All the usual stuff. I answered them in monosyllables until the conversation ground to a halt. Suddenly Rach stood up and announced she was going to the toilet, at which point Shona offered to go with her. With a clatter of chairs, they squeezed past me and disappeared. I took a large swig of my wine. It would be so easy to announce that I was going to join the women at the big table and just walk away but for some reason, I didn’t. Someone had to break the silence. “I guess we need to talk,” I ventured as an opening remark. Without looking up Linni replied, “about what? You obviously don’t like me.” “That’s not true.” “You showed what you thought of me by walking out on me.” “You were fast asleep.” “You could have stayed.” Her voice sounded so sad that a lump appeared in my throat. She was right, I had treated her badly and I had no excuse. “I really wish I had,” I told her sincerely. “You’re just saying that. You don’t really mean it.” “I know I behaved like a real bitch, but now I honestly do wish I’d hung around.” “It was my first time doing anything like that,” she said in a muffled voice. I was worried that she might burst into tears. “I know it was and I’m not proud of what I did. But you looked so happy, and you were asleep, I didn’t want to wake you and spoil things for you.” “You certainly spoiled things when you weren’t there when I woke up.” This time there was a note of bitterness in her voice and for the first time she glanced up at me. The threat of tears seemed to have abated so I took a chance and reached out and put my hand over hers as it lay motionless on the table. To my delight, she Beşevler escort bayan made no move to take it away. “Is there any way I can make up for the past? I’d like us to be friends at least.” When she remained silent I went on, “in my defence, I could have sat over there and ignored you.” “I know and I appreciate it.” “I know what I did was wrong but please don’t make it unforgivable as well.” She glanced sideways at me again and I was sure I detected a slight smile on her face. “Ok,” she said, “friends.” I had to hold myself back and not run around the room whooping and hollering. ‘Friends’ was a good start. I gave her hand a slight squeeze. “Thank you, that means a lot to me.” It was time for some sort of grand gesture. I raised my glass and held it towards her. “A toast,” I announced formally, “to us.” She finally looked at me properly and this time there was no doubting the smile on her face. She lifted her glass and chinked it against mine and repeated, “to us.” I was suddenly distracted by a smattering of applause from the other table along with a quite audible comment. “Thank fuck for that! Well done you two. Can you now both fucking cheer up!” This was followed by the clinking of glasses as they laughed. I watched as Linni blushed and I took her hand more tightly into mine. I had the feeling my face was going red as well. The noise from the others subsided and they started to ignore us. As I looked at Linni she was obviously trying to summon the courage to say something. I stayed quiet and let her take her time. Finally, she looked back down at the table. “I… err… really enjoyed what we did together.” “So did I. I wasn’t sure you would.” “Sorry I fell asleep. I’d had a long day and I don’t usually drink that much.” “Don’t be silly, it was fine. I hope your neighbours whose front garden you made use of never found out it was you.” I giggled at her instant reaction of shock and horror. “Did I really do that? I thought it was just a dream I had.” “Don’t worry, I’m sure nobody saw us.” She then gave a sly grin, “They’re Shona’s neighbours, not mine so I’m sure they’ll never find out.” I grinned at her then switched to my serious face. “Would you like to do it again?” I asked nervously and then quickly added, “not the garden Escort Çankaya incident but… you know?” She was instantly back to the shy librarian and let her head droop and allowed her hair to hide her face. She muttered something in a voice too low to be heard. I gently moved her hair aside and lifted her chin. “I couldn’t hear you.” She looked me straight in the eye and, after a long pause, uttered the single word “Yes.” I couldn’t stop myself as I leant forward and kissed her on the lips. I was over the moon when she responded, and the kiss lingered for ages. I heard a muttered and light-hearted comment from the other table, “get a fucking room you two,” followed by collective giggling. I raised a questioning eyebrow and she smiled back at me. This time it was her hand that tightened on mine. “Are you staying at Shona’s again?” “No, I have my car, hence…” and she gestured toward the orange juice. “Is it far?” She knew what I was suggesting and teased me by replying, “the car or home?” “Home, of course.” “About ten, fifteen minutes.” “We could get away from that load of rowdy drunks and go for a drive.” “We could do…” “Only if you’re sure.” “Let’s go,” she said, standing up and making the decision for both of us. I gulped down the last of my wine and stood up as well. Amidst the chorus of catcalls and the inevitable lewd comments we grabbed our bags and almost ran for the door. As we left I flicked a quick two fingers at them and then shut the door behind us. As soon as we were outside the pub I couldn’t hold back but grabbed her and pressed my lips to hers. I could sense her barely concealed lust as she responded. I could feel the excitement and lust beginning to rise in the pit of my stomach and I already had that tell-tale tingle between my legs. We broke off our kiss and then almost ran, hand in hand, along the road and around the corner. She unlocked her car and we both scrambled in and went for each other again. I reached up expecting to find the same sad and worn bra, but I was taken aback when I could feel nothing under her t-shirt except the hard nub of her nipple. Eventually, we calmed down enough for her to start the car and concentrate on her driving. The last thing I wanted was for us to crash so I contented myself Cebeci escort with simply stroking her leg through her skirt. She drove us carefully and sensibly through the quiet suburban streets turning this way and that until I was completely lost. The thought came that I wondered how I was ever going to find my way back to where I’d parked my car. Ah well, I’d deal with that at the right time. I was interested in the more immediate future. In the end, she pulled up outside a substantial town house. She pulled the brake on and switched off the engine. “Welcome to my humble home.” “Very posh.” “It’s not all mine. I just have half the ground floor.” With that, she opened the car door and stepped out. “Coming?” I was already half out of the door and I followed her and waited while she let us in and to her front door. As she stood aside to let me in she commented, “The couple downstairs and the old man upstairs are both away, so we won’t be disturbed.” “And we won’t disturb them,” and I winked as I passed her into her flat. She pointed to the right as she closed the door and shut out the rest of the world. I found myself in a large, high-ceilinged room with a strange mixture of what appeared to be antique furniture. “I need some wine. Make yourself at home, I’ll be right back.” In her absence, I wandered round the room. It wasn’t quite my taste, but the furniture looked to be genuinely old and for all I knew they were all proper antiques. Yet another enigmatic side to her. She reappeared with a bottle of fizz and a couple of glasses. “I’ve had this waiting for a special occasion for ages,” she said waving the bottle at me, “this seems like as good a time as any.” She put the bottle and glasses down on a side table and switched on a couple of wall lights. She went to the window and briefly paused. It was still light outside but fading fast, so she pulled the heavy velvet drapes and hid us from the world. She poured out two glasses of champagne and sat down on an elegant two seat chaise long. She held out one of the glasses in my direction. I had a choice, either I could sit in the armchair on the other side of the fireplace or… But who was I kidding? I had no choice at all. I sat down next to her! I took the offered glass and sipped it. It was cold and, as always, the bubbles went up my nose. I’m normally a red wine type of girl but I wasn’t going to complain. In contrast to the cold drink, I was conscious of the warmth of her body almost squashed against me on the small couch. I think we were both feeling shy as the silence lingered until I couldn’t stand it any longer.